Sunday, October 20, 2013

Song Showcase - Walls by Tom Petty

A bit of a quick update before I go on. I think I've decided to not do a 'favorite song of the week' thing. That limits me to updating that once a week. Sure, it's a more regular updating schedule, but I have like, three or four songs I want to write about right now. So we're changing this to a Song Showcase. I'll try to get at least weekly updates going with it. No guarantees, since my schedule is filled up with school, but I'll try to keep this up.

Tom Petty's written a bunch of songs that I consider absolutely brilliant. American Girl, Even the Losers, The Wild One Forever, Southern Accents, Rebels, The Best of Everything, It'll All Work Out, most of Full Moon Fever, Wildflowers and Echoes and a few songs he wrote for other artists such as Lone Justice's Ways to be Wicked and Rod Stewart's Leave Virginia Alone.

One of those that gets about as much attention as those last two is Walls. It's obscure mostly because it was only on the soundtrack to She's The One, a movie that as far as I'm aware, nobody even watched, and having seen it myself, I can say right now that even if you do watch it, you'll forget about it half an hour later. I've heard some people say it's one of the best romantic comedies ever, but honestly, if it isn't As Good as it Gets or Chasing Amy, then it's probably not anything more than mediocre and forgettable.

The one memorable thing about She's The One is that Tom Petty's soundtrack for it is great. There aren't any moments of brilliance on it, but it's still a very solid album well worth picking up if you can find it, and Walls is the best song there, but it's full of great music that most people haven't heard, or aren't even aware that it exists. There are two versions of Walls, and I'll include both here. They're both great renditions of the song and I'm not sure which I prefer.

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