It's been a while since I've updated this page at all, and there's a chance I'll be getting back to it on something resembling a regular basis at some point. I just found a news story that pissed me off enough that I felt compelled to write about it.
There's this band called Black Pussy and they've been threatened
with violence because of their name because it offended people
some hypersensitive assholes, and threatening a band an concert venue
with violence and vandalism is a completely rational response that is
socially acceptable from adults, right? Oh wait, it isn't? That's the
behavior expected out of barbarians, you say?
you could've fooled me. These protesters are offended, and the object
of their offense must be made to fear for their safety and feel
financial hurt for daring to exist in a way that these ideological
puritans don't approve of.
you're offended by something, that's fine. If this band's name
disgusts you, that's perfectly acceptable. But the moment you start
threatening them with violence, you're a fucking asshole. I don't
care if you think you're the “good guy” here. Fuck you. These
hypersensitive jerk-offs are acting like children. Most of them are
legal adults, and all of them are at least old enough to know better
than to threaten people they don't like with violence.
best part is that this seems to be backfiring on them. Black Pussy
will be hurt in the short term, but their name is getting out there
to the kind of people who will listen to them. This relatively
unknown band is now internet infamous. But with that “infamy,”
they're getting their name out there, and people are checking them
out. And rightly so. I'm listening to their album On Blonde right
now, particularly a track called “Swim,” and it's great. It
reminds me a bit of Exit The Dragon era Urge Overkill, and if you're
reminding me of anything Urge Overkill, you're doing something right.
check them out, and if you like what you hear, consider buying
something from them. Supporting worthwhile music is a worthwhile
cause. And if it pisses off some authoritarian whiners, then that's
just the icing on the cake. I'm providing a link below.
They're also letting people name their price to get their debut album.
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